Hi, My name is Chris and I’m the father of three children, one of which was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 2013 at the age of four. Every day we learn something new, sometimes by accident, and sometimes from the advice from our diabetic care team or other T1D parents.
Our daughter is a very loving, caring girl. Her favorite color is “Rainbow” so for her privacy, I will refer to her as “Rainbow” whenever I talk about her directly in my blog.
Ever since being diagnosed in March of 2013, she has a heightened sense of love for others around her, and she has told us that when she grows up she wants to be a Doctor so that she can find the cure for Diabetes. One goal of this blog is to gather as much research and knowledge that I can about Type 1 Diabetes as I can, so that she can use it as a place of reference in the future.
Sometimes I will use this blog as a place to vent about the frustrations of live with Type 1 Diabetes, sometimes I will share real information that I’ve learned.
I am not a doctor or medical professional and anything that I post should not be used as medical advice. Please make sure to consult your doctor before making any changes to your or your child’s diabetic care.
Please feel free to connect with me on Facebook and twitter as well!
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