Year End Resolutions – Finishing the year with purpose

So, today is December 1st.. only one more month and the year is over!!

What a crazy year… so many amazing things have happened this year, and many times full of stress as well.

The last few months have been crazy.. I’ve gotten so out of rhythm and continued to get more and more frustrated at myself.. I couldn’t get myself out of bed early enough to workout, so I just got mad at myself as I couldn’t find any other time to do it during the day…

Today I did something different.. I didn’t wake up any earlier as my body needed the rest, but once the girls were out the door at to school I pressed play and worked out. It was hard, it hurt, but I felt so good afterwards!! I know many of you don’t have the flexibility to work out during the day like I did, but you can always find 30-45 minutes somewhere in your day to get some activity, even if it’s just getting out for a walk at a lunch break or something!! I encourage you to get up and get moving..

December 1st Core de Force Workout with my son

Anyways, this has me thinking.. It’s December 1.. 31 more days until it’s a new year.. This year has been a year full of starting new adventures and improving my health, and instead of waiting until January 1, I’m going to start right now and set a few YEAR END RESOLUTIONS!! Instead of starting out 2017 feeling like I need to make a change to improve something, why not finish out the year in such a way that I just want to continue moving forward??

So here we go, here are my Year End Resolutions for 2016

  1. Push myself to grow and learn
  2. Embrace change instead of fighting it
  3. Be present for my family – It’s hard working from home to keep work separate..
  4. Celebrate small victories
  5. I will give myself permission to fail, getting up the next day without regret and push forward with renewed vigor

What do you think? I know this is a lot to take on, but I think I can finish out this year with a bang instead of just looking forward to next year to start something new..

So who’s with me?? Are you ready to commit to making this year finish on a high note? What are you committing to do this month to do that??

Comment below! I’d love to hear what you are going to do!!

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